Bible Bard

The Bible is a collection of 66 books filled with history, stories, heroes, and villains, all of which have made it the best-selling book in the history of publishing. Yet with a shift of culture, recent generations know almost nothing of the Bible’s content. To-date, they have had no personal contact with this literature.

The Bible Bard provides a literary analysis of key ideas from the Bible that describe God and humanity. This is analysis of simple, declarative texts that reveal something about God or humanity. Using an inductive method where the text is considered data, the Bible Bard builds up a picture of what the Bible itself actually teaches about God and humankind.

An ordered list of Bible Bard podcast. Watching all videos in their order of creation provides an inductive approach to understanding what the Bible teaches....

See a list of all Bible Bard in English podcasts in the Archive.